DAVIS Holds Tenth Annual Charity Golf Tournament!
Earlier this month, we held our Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Cattail Creek Country Club in Glenwood, MD—and this year was a special one. This year’s tournament was our tenth, marking a decade of bringing together fellow industry companies and raising funds and support for some incredible nonprofit partners.
This year, we welcomed 132 golfers from over 30 trade and industry partners to the tournament and raised $50,000 for Mason Strong Village and Aspire! Afterschool Learning with the help of our generous sponsors. We thank everyone for their participation and support.
Mason Strong Village was established in 2018 in memory of six year old Mason Mazzuca, following his two year battle with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. MSV seeks to provide comprehensive support for pediatric oncology patients and families by spreading joy and hope to warriors and their families, facilitating connections to resources, and funding research for cures. For more information, visit: masonstrongvillage.org
Aspire! Afterschool Learning expands learning opportunities to help historically underserved 3rd-8th grade students in South Arlington fulfill their potential through high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs. Aspire is committed to closing the educational opportunity gap and offers our programs at no cost to families. For more information, visit: aspireafterschool.org
Over the past decade, DAVIS has been heartened to watch our industry’s commitment to supporting organizations that benefit the community. This journey has been amazing, and we look forward to the next ten years of making a positive impact with our trusted partners. See you at the next tournament!
As we celebrate our tenth Charity Golf Tournament, we can proudly say that we've turned this idea into a powerful force for positive change in our community. To our generous trade partners, we thank you for your continued support, and I'm looking forward to the next ten.” - Matt Weirich, Vice President, DAVIS